
About Us

A trip to Paulton's Park: Wet. Very wet. 
So this is us! We have 3 children: Millie, Jasmine and Isla. Millie, our eldest, is on the right. Jasmine on the left and Isla, our youngest, is in the middle. Parenting them has been our biggest challenge - they are all so radically different! Millie has special needs and goes to Special School, where she is absolutely thriving. Isla goes to a local primary school and is absolutely thriving also. Jasmine....not so. In April 2014 we had to make a decision about her education. In the end, we decided that what she really needs is Home Education. It wasn't an easy decision, but the only decision worse than a bad decision is no decision, so we took the plunge. This blog is my diary, my journey - a charting of the seas as I discover Jasmine, the way she learns and what makes her thrive.

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